Burien Neighborhood Grants Program

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The Burien Neighborhood Grants Program supports Burien community members who want to improve the quality of life in Burien. Through this program, the City of Burien will provide up to $5,000 of City funding per project which the applicant group matches with local resources of volunteer labor, donated materials, donated professional services, or funds. The goal of the Burien Neighborhood Grants Program is to encourage projects that foster a sense of community and create community improvements for the benefit of all Burien residents.  



Project Criteria

We fund an array of projects that create community improvements such as:

  • Tree planting – installation of trees and understory plants in public space (download planting guidance PDF file for reference)
  • Tree maintenance – watering, mulching, removal of noxious plant species around existing trees in public space
  • Physical improvements – minor park improvements, trailhead enhancement
  • Environmental or sustainability project – composting program, community garden
  • Public amenity—historical marker, bench
  • Community-based public events—such as educational events and celebrations designed to bring the community together
  • Projects that are similar to the examples provided above may also be considered

We encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to apply. Projects focused on art and culture are encouraged to check out our arts grant opportunities (burienwa.gov/ArtsGrant) before applying.

To be eligible for the Neighborhood Grants Program, projects must:

  • Be in the city of Burien
  • Provide a specific and direct benefit to the Burien community
  • Have demonstrated neighborhood support
  • Include participation from two or more Burien community members from separate households. Nonprofit partners may also be considered towards this requirement.
  • Involve neighborhood residents directly in the planning and implementation of the project
  • Have goals that can be accomplished by the end of the funding year
  • Have a low-maintenance design that does not require future City staff investment
  • Be located on publicly accessed property (such as community organizations, public rights-of-way, or parks)
  • Be free, open and inclusive to all members of the public

Projects that have not already received other City funding in this year will be prioritized in the selection process. All projects will be required to designate a Neighborhood Project Coordinator to be the liaison between the City and the neighborhood during project development and implementation. The Neighborhood Project Coordinator may be an individual community member or point of contact from a nonprofit organization.

How are projects evaluated?

  • Overall impact of the project, with an emphasis on providing equitable opportunity and access to the funding in this grant (for example, tools that show areas where projects could have a large impact include the Social Vulnerability Index and Environmental Health Disparities tool)
  • Community participation
  • Direct connection between the grant money and the community benefit
  • Project feasibility, ease of maintenance, and ability to complete the project by end of the funding year

Organizations and individuals who are not yet funded by the City of Burien will be given priority in consideration to funding. 

How can you show your project benefits the Burien community?

Strong proposals will include the following:

  • Show the specific public benefits of the proposed improvement project. Examples of project benefits might include improving public parks, greening public spaces, reducing CO2 emissions, and providing community gathering opportunities. Offering education and workforce development, opportunities may also qualify as public benefits, provided these opportunities are free, open, and inclusive to all.
  • Identify the direct link between the requested grant funds and the public benefits. For example, an application for an improvement project that involves removing ivy or blackberry in a public park and replanting with native or climate resilient plantings might state the following: The grant funding will enable the purchase of new plantings, seeds, and soil for the park that will ensure long term soil health and support the health of the park ecosystem for the continued enjoyment of all Burien community members. Additionally, this will create a more resilient forest that helps clean the air we breathe and water we drink, making Burien a healthier place for all.
  • Provide details regarding access to the community improvement project. All projects must be free, open, and accessible to the public.
  • Discuss how the proposed improvement project provides benefits that extend beyond the immediate neighborhood. For example, planting trees cools and cleans the air, improves water quality, and sequesters CO2.
  • If proposing a community event, provide details regarding your advertising plan to get the word out to the public. Community events must be free, open, and accessible to the public.
  • Strong community support and strong evidence of ability to match with volunteer hours or other financial resources, such as other grants or donated materials.   

How do you apply?

The first round of applications for Neighborhood Grants will be reviewed starting April and will be accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are allocated. Following conclusion of the application period, City of Burien staff will spend 1-2 hours with applicants to discuss details and finalize the scope of work. Grant awards will be announced and contracted in May. All projects must be completed by December 31 of the funding year. Documentation of the matching component and completion of the project must be provided to the City prior to reimbursement.

Interested applicants must fill out an application and submit a proposal by email to [email protected] or mailing a printed copy to the City of Burien (Attention: Planning), 400 SW 152nd Street, Suite 300, Burien, WA 98166.  

Application Requirements

The Neighborhood Grant Program application is designed to be flexible to allow applicants to express their community project vision in a variety of formats. If desired, applicants may substitute any of the following for the narrative portion (section 6) of the application:

  • Video submission
  • Website
  • Drawings of the proposed project
  • In person presentation (the City may request to record an in-person presentation or to receive a copy of the presentation materials)
  • Recorded presentation
  • Other formats may also be accepted, subject to City approval

It is anticipated that the application will take 2-8 hours to complete, depending on the level of detail provided.

Need the application or other information in another language? Please send a request for assistance to [email protected].  


Translation services may be provided upon request. Contact [email protected] with questions or to set up a meeting for more information.


Updated March 6, 2025