The City of Burien works with residents and businesses to maximize the aesthetic, environmental, and economic benefits that trees provide by managing, preserving, and enhancing Burien’s existing tree canopy and vegetation.
The City manages major street planting projects and the inspection, pruning, and removal of hazardous trees on public property.
Tree Regulations and Permit Requirements
During their October 3, 2022 meeting, the Burien City Council adopted new tree regulations to protect trees on private property in Burien. The regulations went into effect on October 12, 2022. Fines up to $15,000 per tree went into effect until March 1, 2023, the City of Burien will keep a record of violations.
Call before you cut! The City of Burien arborist and urban forest planner is available to answer questions on the revised code and tree removal.
Green Burien Partnership
The Green Burien Partnership brings together community members and private and public agency partners to restore and care for Burien’s parks and urban forests. Learn more about the program.
Urban Forest Stewardship Plan
In 2018, the Burien City Council established an ambitious goal—that Burien’s tree canopy would cover 40 percent of the city by 2038. In 2020, the Burien City Council approved an urban forest stewardship plan that outlines strategies and actions needed to meet that goal.
Heritage Tree Designation
Burien is growing its heritage tree program. Please let us know if you have a tree that could be considered a heritage tree, email us at [email protected]. A heritage tree is defined as a tree with notable characteristics including, but not limited to age, size, location, aesthetics, or association with an event significant to the city of Burien (BMC 19.10.268). The tree must be in healthy and good condition to be considered a candidate for Heritage Tree designation. Heritage trees receive additional protection and raise awareness around the importance of large old trees.
Learn More
Updated August 27, 2024