
With a regional transit center within the city's downtown core, proximity to an international airport, connection to three state highway systems (SR509, SR518, SR5), and part of a regional bicycle trail system (Lake to Sound), Transportation is a vital focus of the city and how all elements may best be used to serve businesses, residents and their lives.

The city's Transportation department is responsible for maintaining and improving Capital Transportation Facilities (Roads, Traffic Signals, Sidewalks, Pedestrian Facilities, ADA Improvements), together with the development of the city's Capital Improvement Plans (CFP and CIP), managing the six-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and other transportation programs such as Concurrency and Commute Trip Reduction. Also generates external funding opportunities through Federal and State Grants, and coordinates with partnering agencies such as King County, WSDOT, King County Metro and Sound Transit on continuously improving services and facilities for the city's residents.