Comprehensive Plan

The City of Burien's first Comprehensive Plan was adopted in November 1997 following months of town meetings, workshops, and public hearings. The plan has been amended several times since then, most recently in 2024.

Burien’s guiding vision is to be a prosperous, equitable, sustainable, resilient, innovative, and safe community where people of diverse backgrounds lead fulfilling lives with friends and family, business and work opportunities, and rich cultural and recreational activities with programs for and by our youth, elders, and all ages. As the city grows, quality of life improves for current and future residents.

This Comprehensive Plan considers the voices and needs of our Burien community as we address growth and coordinate capital investments and city functions through the year 2044. It establishes values and a vision, and a land use plan providing opportunities for living, working, and enjoying Burien’s natural and cultural environment. 

Burien is a city with over 52,000 residents today, from 2020–2044, the city is anticipated to add almost 19,000 new residents in 7,500 new households and another 4,770 jobs in that same time. To support current residents and businesses and future growth, the Plan provides a statement of policy across the following elements: Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Human Services, Economic Development, Community Health and Well-being, Sustainability and Natural Environment, Climate Change, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space, Utilities, and Capital Facilities. This Plan fulfills the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). 

Annual Amendment Request Process

Burien may amend its Comprehensive Plan once per year. Requests for amendments must be submitted to the Community Development Department by November 1. The list of amendments that will be considered is established by the City Council by February 1 following a recommendation from the Planning Commission. The City did not receive any requests for amendments for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle.

Burien 2044 Comprehensive Plan Chapters



Updated March 21, 2025