Every child deserves the protection and support of both family and community. Healthy and safe families raise healthy and safe adults.
On August 6, 2018, the Burien City Council acknowledged this fact by voting to approve the Framework for Strengthening Families. The framework was adopted so that the City could take a holistic approach to supporting lifelong success for our families and addressing the root causes of violence in our community. By focusing on families, we are building a better future for our kids and our community.
The first step in the framework is to gather community feedback on what is working and not working with current services, and identifying whether there are barriers to accessing existing services.
From that process, the City may learn that there are gaps in the services the City funds, or find that people do not know about the services that exist. The City may also find that not enough of a particular type service is being provided, or that there are barriers to accessing a service because it is not culturally appropriate or accessible for other reasons. The goal of the conversations is to mobilize community strengths, formal resources, and informal supports to improve quality of life and achieve positive results for children and families. The community engagement process will help define the framework’s work plan.
The framework organizes current services into a set of categories based on the Best Starts for Kids protective factors.

What is a Protective Factor?
A protective factor is “a characteristic at the biological, psychological, family, or community (including peers and culture) level that is associated with a lower likelihood of problem outcomes or that reduces the negative impact of a risk factor on problem outcomes.”
Updated November 20, 2018