We can all do our part to protect and improve the quality of water in our local creeks, lakes, rivers and wetlands. Rainwater that runs off of our yards and streets flows into storm drains or ditches and then directly into the nearest water body, many times with little to no treatment.
Join volunteers across the city to keep your local storm drains clear of debris to reduce flooding and protect waterways. The Adopt-A-Drain Program online tool lets you adopt a storm drain in your neighborhood.

Getting started:
Before your clear your first drain, sign up at wa.adopt-a-drain.org. When determining which storm drain to adopt, we suggest choosing one that will be easy for you to access and take care of. This could mean choosing one near your home, school, business, or place you go frequently. You can adopt more than one drain if you would like!
Tips for Clearing a Storm Drain:
- Use tools to help you clean! A broom, dustpan, rake, trash grabber, and work gloves can help you safely clean your drain
- Never remove the grate or otherwise attempt to clean inside a storm drain. Clean only the top of the storm drain grate and area around it
- Safety first! If possible, clear the storm drain before it starts raining. Try to stand on a curb when cleaning the drains, not in the street. Never use your bare hands to move debris.
- Make sure to sort any materials you clear. To dispose of waste, separate it into three categories and place in the appropriate receptacle: garbage (polluted street leaves, trash, and other debris), recyclables (clean glass, plastic bottles, and cans) and compostables (leaves, grass clippings, and sticks). When in doubt, throw it in the trash.
- Track your impact on the adopt-a-drain website! Report the amount you collect at least twice a year – at the start of winter and at the end of spring – by logging in your account and clicking on “track your impact”. If you take any great photos while you are out there cleaning, share them with us by sending them to [email protected]
For questions about the program, email [email protected].