Project Location
South 140th Street between 8th Avenue South and Des Moines Memorial Drive South.
Project Overview
This project was first included in the 2014 Northeast Redevelopment Area (NERA) Master Drainage Plan. Planned redevelopment of properties within NERA require upgrades to the stormwater conveyance system along South 140th Street.
This project consists of constructing a new large-diameter stormwater trunkline within South 140th Street, along with improvements to the existing outfall into Miller Creek and water quality improvements for the roadway affected by the project.
Improvements include:
- Construction of approximately 630 linear feet of new 24- and 30-inch stormwater pipe, to replace the existing 12-inch pipe that has reached capacity.
- Construction of flow control and water quality improvements via a dispersion system on the south side of South 140th Street.
- Construction of a stormwater outfall into Miller Creek on the south side of South 140th Street, to replace the existing outfall on the north side of the street.
Project Status
Scheduled Construction Start Date: Spring 2025
Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2025
Neighborhood Impact
Construction work will occur within the roadway and shoulders of South 140th Street. It is expected that the contractor will allow local traffic to pass, but there may be short delays for activities like maneuvering equipment. Short-term full road closures will likely occur while the road crossings are installed. Access will be maintained throughout the rest of the street during these closures.
Access to all properties will be maintained for the duration of the project work, though vehicular access may be limited during the work day while active construction is occurring in front of driveways. Residents will be encouraged to either park elsewhere on the street during these times or move vehicles out of driveways in the morning to prevent access issues.
Additionally, storage of construction equipment and project materials will take place along portions of South 140th Street for the duration of the project. This may limit available parking on the road shoulders, but access to driveways will be maintained.
Project Manager
Dan O’Brien
Stormwater Engineer
(206) 248-5521
[email protected]
Updated June 20, 2024