Youth and Teen Day Camps

The Burien Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PaRCS) department is excited to announce the return of Camp CRAZ and Burien Teen Summer Crew (formally Summer Teen Scene) summer day camps at the Burien Community Center. 

View programs and register online.


Each week of Camp CRAZ will bring an exciting adventure as we "travel" around the world. Each week will be packed with fun activities like art projects, games, and swimming at the pool! Campers can sign up for one week or spend all summer with us. Each camper will receive a camp shirt. Snack will be provided. Campers are responsible for bringing their own lunch.

Camp Hours: 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

Fee per week:  $280 / RD $260**

Dates: June 30-August 29

Grades: Campers entering 1st-5th

**Burien resident fee. Sliding scale fee available, based on HUD income guidelines. Call (206) 988-3700 for information.


Camp CRAZ Español 

Burien Teen Summer Crew

A time travel journey! Each week will explore a different decade and what makes them iconic. Field trips, music, games, art projects, and fun in the sun! Join us in experiencing the trends that shape the future. Sign up for one week or spend all summer with us. Each teen will receive a camp shirt. Snack will be provided. Campers are responsible for bringing their own lunch.

Camp Hours: 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.

Fee per week:  $280 / RD $260**

Dates: June 30-August 29

Grades: Campers entering 6th-9th

**Burien resident fee. Sliding scale fee available, based on HUD income guidelines. Call (206) 988-3700 for information.

Burien Teen Summer Crew

Burien Teen Summer Crew Español

Parent Information for Camp CRAZ and Burien Teen Summer Crew

Campers may register for camp up until the Monday one week prior to each camp week. Payment must be made in full at that time.  Space is limited to 60 campers per week for Camp CRAZ and 36 campers per week for Burien Teen Summer Crew. If not paid in full by the Monday, one week prior to the camp week, the participant will lose their deposit and spot.

Scheduled Payments

In order to schedule payments for camp, you need pay the first two weeks of registration in full. Scheduled payments can then be made starting on the third week. A $20 deposit toward each camp week your child plans to attend is required at the time of registration. For your convenience, we are offering automatic credit card billing for the balance of your child’s weekly camp fee. Your credit card will be billed automatically on the Monday, one week prior, to your child’s registered camp week. To set up scheduled payments, you must register in person at the Burien Community Center or over the phone at 206-988-3700. 


Camp deposits are non-refundable, non-transferable. If full fees have been paid, a refund minus the $20 deposit will be issues, if notice is received more than 10 days in advance. If notice is received less than 10 days, a 50% refund will be issued. No refunds will be issued for week-of withdrawals.


Sliding scale fee available for Burien residents, based on HUD income guidelines. They must fill out the form and return to the Burien Community Center. 

Scholarship Application must be completed and approved prior to registering your child for camp.

Drop-off and Pick-up

Drop off Procedure

Please drop off your child at the Camp Craz Central, Shorewood Room.

  1. Must sign-in your child with your child’s name, your signature and the time of drop-off.

Pick up procedure: When picking up your child, please come to Camp Craz Central, Shorewood Room. Only the people on your pick up form are authorized to pick up your child.

  1. Must show I.D.
  2. Must sign out your child and put down time of day.

Drop-off Time 

Parents can drop off their child between 7:00–9:00 a.m.   The child must be here no later than 9:30 a.m.  Major activities and field trips start at 9:30 a.m.

Pick-up Time

Parents can pick up their child between 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Before that time campers may be on an outing.  If you need to pick up your child early, please make arrangements that morning in writing when dropping off your child.  No early pick up on field trip days.

Late Pick-up Fee

A $1.00 per minute late fee is assessed beginning at 6:00 p.m.  If you are late you will be required to sign the late fee book, acknowledging you were late.  At that time you will receive a late slip with the amount you owe. You will not be able to sign up.


Staff are NOT authorized to disperse or administer medications, including prescription medications. If your child carries an epinephrine pen for severe allergic reactions, we ask that they know how to use it by themselves and keep it in a fanny-pack or back pack at all times. This includes staff applying sunblock to your child. Parents will provide sun block in a spray application if a parent prefers that camp staff apply the sun block to their child/children. See the Medication Form in the Parent Pack.