Lakeview Park Improvements

Project Overview

The City of Burien received Community Development Block Grant funding to renovate the tot play area in Lakeview Park. The existing play area was composed of very outdated and non-compliant metal bar play structures and the play area surfacing was not compliant with current ADA or playground safety fall zone standards. In addition to the play area, this project also replaced approximately half of the asphalt pathway that runs along the east and south side of the lawn area to remove tripping hazards.

A community meeting was held on June 26, 2018 and responses to surveys conducted online and at several community events provided public input for the playground design. The project for park improvements were awarded to Nordvind. Final design was completed in July 2018 and construction started in November 2018.

Project Documents

Photos of Pre-existing Conditions

Lakeview Existing PlaygroundLakeview Tree Root ImpactsLakeview Uproot Impact

Photos During Construction  

Playground Construction Playground Construction  Playground Pathway Construction  

 pathway layout   pathway construction   Lakeview new asphalt pathway

Project Status

Project was completed in early 2019. A grand opening was held on April 17, 2019.


Updated April 30, 2019