City of Burien Addresses Sheriff Complaint

Burien Responds to Complaint Filed by King County Sheriff’s Office
Posted on 03/11/2024

The City of Burien was disappointed to learn of a complaint filed today in federal court by King County and King County Sheriff’s Office against the City of Burien.  The filing of a complaint in federal court has come as a surprise as the City of Burien was actively working to schedule a meeting with King County Sheriff Cole-Tindall later this week, per the Sheriff and King County's request, to discuss the existing issue between our respective agencies.  The date and time of the meeting - confirmed through a telephone call between Sheriff Cole-Tindall and City Manager Bailon this afternoon – was set for the morning of Wednesday, March 13, 2024 in advance of a prior engagement set on the calendar of Sheriff Cole-Tindall.

It is unfortunate that King County and King County Sheriff’s Office have chosen to cast the shadow of a federal complaint over a meeting that was intended to seek a mutually benefiting solution to a complicated issue.  Despite these actions, the City of Burien looks forward to meeting with King County Sheriff Cole-Tindall later this week.


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