The Burien City Council issued proclamations in honor of Welcoming Week and Suicide Prevention Month. They discussed process to select new Planning Commission members. They began discussion of an ordinance that updates current code regulating the storage of items in trucks and other vehicles in residential zones.
City Council Receives Briefing on SCORE Jail Operations and Services
Opened in 2011, South Correctional Entity (SCORE) operates a jail through an interlocal agreement between the Cities of Burien, Auburn, Des Moines, SeaTac, Tukwila, and Renton. The executive director, Devon Schrum, presented an overview of the jail operations with a focus on the addiction treatment services the jail provides.
Download the presentation slides and watch the video below.
City Council Determines Process to Select New Planning Commission
The City Clerk briefed the City Council on the process to select new members of the Planning Commission. Earlier this year, seven commission members resigned before the end of their terms. This prompted the City to initiate a new member recruitment process in August.
The City Council will finalize which of the 27 applicants they would like to interview at their September 18 meeting and will hold special meetings on September 25 and October 2 to interview candidates. The City Council will appoint final candidates by or before their October 2 meeting. The Planning Commission will hold its first meeting with the new commissioners on either October 11 or October 25.
Welcoming Week Proclamation Celebrates Community and Culture
The City Council issued a proclamation to recognize Welcoming Week, a national celebration that recognizes and celebrates immigrants and refugees in our communities. Through Welcoming Week, organizations and communities bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity.
Community is invited to attend the third annual Welcoming Burien event on September 16, 2023. More than 25 nonprofits will join cultural arts performers and city leaders for a celebration of Burien’s diverse cultures.
Suicide Prevention Month Acknowledged in Proclamation
The City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Suicide Prevention Month, which is acknowledged nationally in September. The proclamation raises awareness of the impact of suicide on families and communities and calls for all community members to play a role in suicide prevention by promoting mental health wellness as we strive towards zero suicides.
The 988 suicide and crisis lifeline was highlighted as a resource.
Code Updates to Address Storage of Garbage in Residential Zones
The City Council discussed updates to the current code that regulates storage of items in cargo containers in residential zones to also include storage of items in vehicles such as trucks, recreational vehicles (RVs), and other vehicles. The discussion was tabled so that amendments could be discussed at a future meeting. Councilmember Cydney Moore received authorization from the City Council to work with staff on potential amendments to the ordinance.
Council Reports and City Manager Report
Councilmember Mora shared information from a letter sent from the Better Business Association. She also shared the outcome of a community meeting she and Councilmember Sarah held with neighbors of a homeless encampment alongside Ambaum Blvd SW. The City Manager shared that law enforcement visit the encampment site regularly and that public works staff remove trash and debris weekly. The City Manager also shared that there is an increase in crime associated with the presence of the encampment.
Mayor Aragon and the city manager shared what they learned from their tour of a Pallet home village in North Seattle. City Manager shared that he is scheduling meetings with representatives from King County Housing Authority and King County Library System who own lots neighboring a possible site for a tiny home village in the Boulevard Park neighborhood.
Mayor Aragon also shared about her participation in a roundtable that was held at Highline High School and hosted by the Office of National Drug Policy on the topic of addiction and opioid overdose among youth.
The City Manager shared that the mid-biennium budget process is underway, and the Washington State Auditor’s Office is conducting the City’s annual financial audit.
The City Council will also be joining other cities participating in StART to sign a letter to be sent to FedEx that thanks them for using planes that create less noise pollution. They also agreed to sign a letter of support for the annual gala held by Coalition of Filipino American Organizations.