H Line, Parking Enforcement, BEDP, State Legislative Update, Sapphire Homes Subdivision, ecoTHRIVE

The Burien City Council heard a presentation on new RapidRide H Line, appointed members to the Business and Economic Development Partnership, and heard an update on the state legislative session, and placed approval of Sapphire Homes subdivision request and ecoTHRIVE participation in the Affordable Housing Demonstration Program on next meeting’s consent agenda.
New RapidRide H Line Creates Faster Service and Connections to Downtown Seattle
King County Metro Transit staff presented information about the recently launched RapidRide H Line. The 12-mile route replaces Route 120, connecting Burien, White Center, and West Seattle to downtown Seattle.
Significant changes have been made to the Ambaum Blvd SW roadway including installation of a bus-only lane. The project includes improved bus shelters and several pedestrian improvements including new signalized crosswalks, new sidewalks, and landscaped barriers between traffic and sidewalks.
A new public artwork titled The Sky Remembers You will be positioned at the northwest corner of the Burien Transit Center on Fourth Avenue SW.
Also inspired by the plan are limited-edition ORCA cards created by three young artists. Each design is distinct and features imagery tied to the contexts, histories, cultures, and communities of the RapidRide H Line.
The Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plan, which kicked off in tandem with construction of the H Line, will help encourage transit-oriented development along the corridor.
Parking Enforcement Code to be Tackled at Future Meeting
Burien Police Chief Ted Boe presented an overview of how parking rules are currently enforced, including the limited resources devoted to enforcement, in advance of updates to Burien’s parking code that will be presented at a future meeting.
City Council Interviews Six Community Members for Business and Economic Development Partnership
The City Council interviewed six community members for the Business and Economic Development Partnership. The City Council postponed the vote for appointments until the April 3 meeting, when the final candidate is scheduled to be interviewed.
State Legislative Update Highlights Bill Short-term Rental Excise Tax Bill
The City’s lobbyist Lyset Cadena provided an update on the state legislative session with a focus on the City Council’s priorities adopted in late 2022.
Cadena reported that state revenues are projected to be lower than expected, which will impact budget proposals and that capital gains tax was deemed constitutional by the Washington State Supreme Court. Revenue from this tax will help fund early education.
She also presented an update on Senate Bill 5334, a proposed bill that would allow local governments to fund essential affordable housing programs by permitting an excise tax on short-term rentals.
Sapphire Homes Subdivision Request Approved
The City Council placed on consent agenda approval of a subdivision request from Sapphire Homes, Inc. The developer will be subdividing three existing parcels into ten single-family residential lots at 1240 SW 124th St between Ambaum Blvd SW and 14th Ave SW.
ecoTHRIVE Approved as Participant in Affordable Housing Demonstration Program
The City Council placed on the consent agenda of the next meeting approval of ecoTHRIVE as a participant in the Affordable Housing Demonstration Program. This will be the fifth project participating in the program.
The program allows developers to request code departures and aims to help inform code updates the city could make to support ore affordable housing development.