Special Meeting on Disciplinary Action against Planning Commission Chair Charles Schaefer and Councilmember Cydney Moore

The Burien City Council held a special meeting and public hearing to discuss whether to censure Councilmember Cydney Moore and remove Planning Commissioner Chair Charles Schaefer. The City Council voted to remove Charles Schaefer from the Planning Commission and postponed discussion of censure of Councilmember Moore indefinitely.
After listening to public comment, the Burien City Council voted to remove Charles Schaefer from the Planning Commission for the following reasons:
- Violating or causing the unhoused to violate Burien's ordinances by sending, directing, or encouraging the unhoused to camp on Burien park property, which is a crime under BMC 7.30.110 (No person shall camp in any park area, including any park parking lot) and BMC 1.15.080 (The violation of any regulation is unlawful... any violation of this code shall constitute a misdemeanor). (Handbook, p. 4)
- Interfering with the City Manager's administration of Burien's day-to-day operations and execution of City Council policies and objectives. (Handbook 2.D)
- Failing to avoid the appearance of speaking on behalf of the Planning Commission or the City of Burien without the Council's authorization. (Handbook, p. 5)
- Harming Burien's reputation (Mr. Schaefer's actions caused an increase in negative media coverage and other communications that inaccurately alleged that Burien was violating constitutional law and conducting unlawful sweeps).
- After speaking with the media, Mr. Schaefer failed to immediately notify the City Manager or Communications Manager about something that could impact or reflect negatively on Burien, its officials, staff, or its business. (Handbook, p. 10)
- Contributing to, creating, or exacerbating the situation that harms Burien's relationships with its partners, including King County and the King County Sheriff's Office.
- Taking actions that undermine or attempt to undermine or thwart the council's action, authority, decision(s), deliberation, discretion, or options concerning the unhoused. (See Burien Rules of Order 6.20)
- Engaged in activity that the Council would not permit to be unilaterally performed by staff or the public.
They voted to postpone indefinitely a discussion of whether to censure Councilmember Cydney Moore.