Lunar New Year, Airport Operations and Public Health, Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plans, Advisory Boards

The Burien City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Lunar New Year, listened to a presentation on health impacts of airport operations, discussed a draft subarea plan and environmental impact statement for the Ambaum and Boulevard Park areas, and heard an update on the recruitment process for advisory board positions.
City Honors Lunar New Year
The City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Lunar New Year. This is the first year a proclamation in honor of the holiday has been issued. Members of Burien’s Chinese and Asian American community were present to accept the proclamation.
Studies Show Airport Operations Impact on Public Health
The City Council heard a presentation from Dr. Kris Johnson, PhD, a public health researcher with Public Health—Seattle and King County, on results from a series of University of Washington studies about the human health impacts of exposure to air and noise pollution from airport operations. The studies show that communities within a ten-mile radius of an airport experience worse health outcomes including respiratory problems, heart disease, diabetes and other metabolic issues, and reproductive health concerns. Existing health disparities due to lower income and access to health care make communities more vulnerable to the health impacts of pollution. One study shows housing discrimination practices dating from the 1930s still drive air pollution disparities in hundreds of American cities today.
The studies found several options could help mitigate the effects of air pollution including HEPA filters and certain types of trees and vegetation. Addressing underlying health inequities, such as increasing access to health insurance, will help strengthen communities’ resilience and help reduce impact of air pollution on health.
The studies were funded through the Washington State Legislature, with contributions from the City of Burien and other cities surrounding the airport as well as the Port of Seattle. The University of Washington, across several departments, has begun new studies to deepen our understanding of the impact of air pollution and ways to address the human health impact.
Find links to the studies and their results and watch the presentation on the Burien Community Hub.
Councilmembers to Advocate for Burien on Airport Issues
In March, members of the SEA Stakeholder Advisory Round Table (StART) will take a trip to Washington D.C. to educate federal legislators on airport issues. Deputy Mayor Kevin Schilling and Councilmember Sarah Moore volunteered to represent Burien.
Council Discusses Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plans
City staff presented an update on an early draft of the Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plan. Staff presented a summary of the plan document, which included different zoning alternatives.
The presentation also covered the community engagement process followed to date, but discussion and public input on the plans will continue over the next six to eight months.
Read the draft plan and environmental impact statement.
Advisory Board Interviews Will Begin in February
The City Council discussed the status of recruitment for advisory boards and commissions and the process to interview the candidates. As of Monday, there were 46 applicants for 26 positions. 12 of the applicants are existing commission or board members reapplying for second terms.
The City Council will vote on a formal process and schedule for interviewing and selecting the candidates during their February 6, 2023 meeting.
Applications are still being accepted for the Burien Airport Committee.
Consent Agenda and Planning Calendar
The City Council approved on their consent agenda housekeeping code updates discussed at their January 23 meeting. They also agreed to add the topic of enhanced services facilities to a future agenda. A discussion of a possible update to Burien’s renter protections was rescheduled to occur during their February 13 meeting.