Council Roundup: January 29, 2024

Economic Development Action Plan, Rules of Order, Work Plan, Burien Airport Committee, Day Center
Posted on 02/07/2024

The Burien City Council heard an update on the Economic Development Action Plan, updated its Rules of Order and work plan, and discussed the composition of the Burien Airport Committee and a proposed day center.  

Update on Economic Development Action Plan Presented

Staff presented an update on the Economic Development Action Plan which gave a broad overview of the process so far, key milestones completed, and a summary of what has been heard from the community throughout several engagement opportunities.

Key themes that have emerged throughout the process include challenges and opportunities for arts and tourism, our community workforce, and small businesses.

Staff will continue evaluating ideas collected through the recent community engagement process, as well as data from other recent, related planning efforts around a framework that considers community support, impact and equity, and City resources. The draft plan will prioritize and define actions and implementation considerations.

Council Rules of Order Updated

After moving into a study session format, the City Council discussed and amended its Council Rules of Order [download PDF].

The City Council directed staff to explore alternate days of the week to conduct council meetings as well as a change to the start time of the meetings.

Burien Airport Committee Composition Discussed

Upon receiving background regarding the Burien Airport Committee’s challenges in making a quorum at their meetings, the City Council approved of the request to reduce the total number of members and councilmembers who sit on the committee. An amendment to Resolution No. 405 which will include the modifications discussed will be proposed at a future meeting of the City Council.

City Council Work Plan Reviewed and Updated

The City Council reviewed previously requested items for future meeting agendas. After making edits, they approved the updated the City Council Work Plan.

Proposed Day Center Discussed

The City Council discussed a proposal to host a day center at Highline United Methodist Church. Staff were available during this study session topic to answer questions, and after some discussion the City Council moved to table the item and continue at a future meeting.

Council Reports

During the Council Reports portion of the meeting, the following councilmembers provided updates:

  • Councilmember Linda Akey reported on attending the Highline Forum and visiting the Federal Way Day Center with Councilmember Alex Andrade. Additionally, she noted that DESC will be holding a public comment session on February 13 at Navos Mental Health and Wellness Center.
  • Councilmember Jimmy Matta requested community members to report any findings of graffiti within the city.

City Manager’s Report

During the City Manager’s Report portion of the meeting, City Manager Adolfo Bailon provided the following updates:

  • A request for sponsors for upcoming proclamations was answered by Mayor Kevin Schilling (Lunar New Year) and Councilmember Sarah Moore (Black History Month).
  • The deadline to apply for an advisory board position has been extended to February 2, 2024.
  • The Communications Division launched Burien's first-ever digital dashboard for the community to track the progress of the City's five-year strategic plan.
  • This year’s Empty Bowls event was held on January 26 and saw a 44% increase in attendance from last year.
  • Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services recreation programs for the winter 2024 season have experienced a considerable increase in participation.

Consent Agenda

The City Council approved on their consent agenda the following: