Council Roundup: April 24, 2023

Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plan, La Serra Subdivision, Burien Airport Committee
Posted on 04/27/2023

The Burien City Council discussed status of new community plans for the Ambaum and Boulevard Park neighborhoods and placed on consent agenda approval of the La Serra subdivision request and updates to Burien Airport Committee structure and purpose.

Progress on Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plans Presented

City planning staff presented an update on the development of a new community plan for the Ambaum Blvd SW corridor and Boulevard Park neighborhood. They shared the purpose of the community plans and an overview of the community engagement process they followed to gather feedback. The plan articulates a community vision and strategy, with 119 recommendations. Supporting walkable business districts and transit-oriented housing and development is a focus.

Key concepts in the plan are shown below and are supported by the plan recommendations:

  • Strengthen ties to place
  • Safer and healthier communities
  • Grow with intention

The area-wide environmental impact statement process can lower barriers to private development in the future. The Ambaum and Boulevard Park Community Plan and associated Environmental Impact Statement will be presented to the City Council during their May 1, 2023 meeting.

La Serra Subdivision Request to be Approved

The City Council placed on the consent agenda of their next meeting final approval of Lennar Northwest’s subdivision request. The new La Serra subdivision will be located on the site of the former Bel-R Greenhouses, on the west side of 4th Ave SW between SW 124th St and SW 126th St. The 10 parcels totaling 8.04 acres will be subdivided into 36 single-family residential lots and will include additional sidewalks, street lighting, and common recreation area and playground.

Code Guiding Purpose and Structure of Burien Airport Committee Updated

The City Council placed on the consent agenda of their next meeting an update to the resolution establishing the Burien Airport Committee. The update clarifies the committee's purposes, the number of councilmembers serving on the committee, and permits the city manager or city attorney to serve as an ex-officio member.

Council Reports and City Manager Report

Councilmember Mora reported her experience watching outreach happening at the downtown Burien encampment. Mayor Aragon asked for City Council to approve her continued participation on the Association of Washington Cities’ Public Health Advisory Board. She also shared that the Burien Airport Committee has nominated Burien to be a Washington State Department of Health designated “health equity zone”, which could lead to funding to address health inequities. Association of Washington Cities first diversity equity and inclusion forum where cities shared how they developed equity initiatives in their city.

The City Manager shared an update on progress being made to address encampment in downtown Burien, including a possible new temporary location for the encampment and research into required permits. He also shared information on status of state drug possession laws now that that state legislative session has ended. The City Council asked for an educational session on Burien’s options for prosecuting drug possession, as well information on what other cities are doing in light of the “Blake decision” and Senate Bill 5536, which is set to expire on July 1, 2023.