Council Guidelines, Proclamations, Opioid Settlement, Native Land and Peoples Acknowledgment, Stormwater Easement, Human Services Fund, Shape Your City, 30th Anniversary

The City Council discussed new Council guidelines, issued three proclamations, approved participation in settlement with opioid manufacturers, supported adoption of a Native land and peoples acknowledgment, approved a stormwater easement, supported approval of human services funding allocations, discussed a proposed plan to celebrate Burien’s 30th anniversary of incorporation, and discussed Shape Your City, a coordinated community engagement effort that will lead to major updates to the Comprehensive Plan.
City Council Discusses New “Rules of Order” to Manage Meeting Procedures and Policies
During a special meeting, the City Council discussed changes to the existing City Council Guidelines.
They will continue discussion at a future meeting.
Welcoming Week Proclamation Celebrates Burien’s Immigrant and Refugee Communities
The City Council issued a proclamation to recognize Welcoming Week, a national celebration that recognizes and celebrates immigrants and refugees in our communities. Representatives of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), an international nonprofit that helps people affected by humanitarian crises, accepted the proclamation. IRC supports refugees in south King County, including in Burien.
Gul Siddiqi, IRC development manager, spoke to the City Council:
“With a lot of … the anti-immigrant rhetoric we’ve been seeing all over the U.S., this proclamation is really championing support that the City of Burien has provided us today. We really admire and hope that other cities will also take this as a sign to the do the same.”
Lauren, who works on the IRC’s economic empowerment team said:
“It’s truly an honor to get to share the talents and dreams of our refugee neighbors with our communities and we much appreciate the support of cities like Burien to help us do that work and help us contribute to the richness of this community and economic growth by allowing our refugee neighbors to flourish, have businesses, and be able to support their families.”
This year’s National Welcoming Week theme is “Where We Belong.” Through Welcoming Week, organizations and communities bring together neighbors of all backgrounds to build strong connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity.
The City-sponsored Welcoming Burien event on September 17, 2022 brought together community members, nonprofit partners, cultural arts performers, and city leaders for a celebration of Burien’s diverse cultures.
Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month Honors Latinx Communities in Burien
The City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs between September 15-October 15. The cultural heritage month celebrates histories, cultures, and contributions of community members whose ancestors were Indigenous to the Americas, or come from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Africa, and Central and South America. According to the 2020 Census, 12,756 (22.9%) Burien community members identify as Hispanic/Latinx.
B-Town Fiesta, a community event celebrating Latinx culture, will be held on September 24, 2022 in Burien’s Town Square Park. The following members of the planning committee for the community event accepted the proclamation: Martha Cabello, Griselda Rojas, Alex Andrade, Jackie Lomeli, Shehaly Rodriguez, and Debra George.
Alex Andrade said:
“As a committee member and as a child of immigrant families, we are beyond honored to be accepting this proclamation.”
The proclamation was presented in both English and Spanish.
Suicide Prevention Month Calls for Resources and Education
The City Council issued a proclamation in honor of Suicide Prevention Month, which is acknowledged nationally in September. The proclamation raises awareness of the impact of suicide on families and communities and calls for all community members to play a role in suicide prevention by promoting mental health wellness as we strive towards zero suicides.
Washington State Representative Tina Orwall, who was instrumental in the formation of the new Washington State 988, a three-digit behavioral health hotline, accepted the proclamation. She said:
“I’m really proud of our state and our partnerships. We were one of four states that actually passed pretty comprehensive legislation. We tripled our three call centers in the state. We have one of the few states that has a text and chat line up and running which is particularly important for youth that are struggling. We also have the first-in-the-country “Native and Strong” line, which is actually answered by tribal behavioral health specialists which will be starting this week. The next two phases of 988 are really partnerships … It is a pleasure to partner with you. I know that working together, we can save lives.”
Kate McIntyre, Chief Clinical Officer from MultiCare’s Navos, also was present to accept the proclamation. She said:
“As members of the Burien community, we encourage you to check in with your loved ones and help them get the support they may need. We can all be a part of suicide prevention when we work together to bring awareness, ask questions directly, and help support access to behavioral health services.”
Burien to Join Settlement Agreement with Opioid Manufacturers
The City Council approved signing a participation form and allocation agreement to determine allocation of money that cities, including Burien, could receive from a possible settlement of a pending lawsuit against prescription opioid manufacturers and distributors for the reckless promotion and distribution of opioids.
Read more information about the settlement.
Native Land and People Acknowledgment for City of Burien Moves Forward
The City Council placed on consent agenda of the next meeting approval of a Native land and peoples acknowledgment for the City of Burien. The statement will be added to the regular agenda of City Council meetings, and other key meetings and events. Staff will also develop a sign with the text adapted for City buildings. The text they approved is below:
We begin by honoring and acknowledging that this meeting is taking place on the ancestral lands and waters of the many Coast Salish tribal peoples who have—since time immemorial—protected and been in relationship with the Salish Sea and these precious lands we know as Burien and our home.
As a government agency that is occupying Indigenous lands, it is important that we remember the history of our area, and to work towards fixing the injustices that persist. We acknowledge our region’s tribal citizens, their descendants, and their ancestors and we honor their invaluable contributions to this region’s community’s identity, economy, history, culture, and future.
Stormwater Easement Approved for S 140th St Project
The City Council authorized acceptance of a stormwater easement for the S 140th St Project. The easement from the Port of Seattle provides the City a necessary right to discharge treated stormwater into Miller Creek on Port of Seattle property for the project.
This project is an existing stormwater capital project in the adopted 2021-2022 Budget. This project constructs a stormwater trunk line, replacing an existing undersized conveyance line, to collect water from current and future developments and conveys the water into a relocated outfall on the south side of S 140th Street, replacing the existing outfall on the north side. The Port is providing this easement at no cost to the City. This easement will allow the City to install, maintain and repair the proposed stormwater outfall into Miller Creek.
City Council Supports Human Services Funding Allocations and Capital Investments
The City Council placed on the consent agenda of the next City Council meeting approval of the Human Services Commission’s recommendations to allocate federal Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) funding and Burien’s Human Services Fund.
The City provides grants to local human services providers through the City’s Human Services Fund. The City Council approved an increased rate earlier this year, with $7.62 per capita in 2023 and $7.85 per capita in 2024 distributed equally across the two-year budget cycle.
With carryover of unused funds from 2022, the total General Fund allocation of $415,593 each year. Adding $45,000 in annual CDBG funds equals a combined total of $921,186 for 2023-2024.
The City also receives federal CDBG funding to pay for certain capital projects. The City Council supported the recommendation to use CBDG funding to help pay for the acquisition of Lakeview Park, which is currently owned by Highline Public Schools.
“Shape Your City” Invites Community to Help Re-imagine Long-term Future of Burien
Staff presented an overview of the City’s efforts to engage the community in development of a new 20-year vision through an expansive and inclusive community engagement effort. The initiative combines major updates to the Comprehensive Plan, a new Transportation Master Plan, and an update to the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan.
Staff presented an overview of community engagement that had already occurred, as well as plans to do more.
Learn more about Shape Your City.
Plan to Celebrate 30th Anniversary of Burien’s Incorporation Presented
The City Council placed on consent agenda approval of a plan to celebrate Burien’s 30th anniversary of incorporation. The celebration will kickoff in February with a proclamation and include a media toolkit that the City and community can use to create their own anniversary activities and celebrations. More information will be shared in December.