City Manager Search, Women’s History Month, Commercial Building Code, Recovery Roadmap, Community Hub, Vaccine Mandate, Boards and Commissions, Council Work Plan

The Burien City Council selected GovHR USA to help recruit a new city manager, proclaimed March as Women’s History Month, approved a letter of support for new building codes to address climate change, supported the proposed legislative agenda for the South King County Housing and Homelessness Partners, discussed digital community engagement and the plan to solicit feedback on a plan to invest federal stimulus funding, approved an amendment to the City employee vaccine mandate, and approved a process for selecting new advisory board members.
City Council Selects Firm to Help Recruit New City Manager
The City Council selected GovHR USA to help the City Council recruit and select a new city manager. The consultant will help the City Council gather community and key stakeholder feedback about priorities for a new City Manager, conduct recruitment and screening of candidates, and manage the interview and selection process.
Women’s History Month Celebrates Health Care Workers
Mayor Aragon sponsored a proclamation in support of Women’s History Month. The National Women’s History Alliance has designated the 2022 National Women’s History Month theme to be “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope” as both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during the pandemic and also a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.
Madlyn Murrey, a Burien resident and a senior lecturer of nursing at Seattle University accepted the proclamation, stating:
“I consider it a privilege to be able to be here before you and recognize all of those frontline workers who have really given heart and soul and endless hours to do what they have done not only for our city. Thank you for the recognition for women in history and especially for focusing on those that have really felt the impact of this pandemic in healthcare sector.”
Proposed Commercial Energy Code Addresses Climate Change
The City Council agreed to add their signatures to a letter drafted by King County Executive Dow Constantine to the Washington State Building Code Council in support of a proposed 2021 Washington State Commercial Energy Code. The letter emphasizes support for elements that contribute to climate action goals as outlined by the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) and Burien’s Climate Action Plan.
A greenhouse gas emissions inventory, conducted as part of Burien’s Climate Action Plan process, revealed that almost half of Burien’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the energy sector. Updating the building code was listed as a climate action.
The letter express support for new code that would require alternatives to fossil fuels for heating, extend solar-ready provisions, promote higher performance buildings, require on-site renewable energy for larger commercial buildings, make future installation of electric appliances easier, and address lighting, insulation, EV charging, and salvage of building materials in demolition.
South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) Federal Legislative Agenda
The City Council supported the proposed legislative agenda for the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP). This agenda will guide the advocacy efforts of SKHHP in 2022. Highlights of the agenda include advocating for funding and policies that support fair housing, state and local zoning reform, expansion of low-income housing tax credit program, safe parking programs, and contributions to an affordable housing capital fund.
Community Invited to Help Build Burien’s “Recovery Roadmap”
The City Council was briefed on the community engagement plan for the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA), which will invest $10 million of federal stimulus funding to help Burien recover from the pandemic. The community engagement plan includes community meetings, surveys, and focus groups which will occur in multiple languages. Community members can learn more at
Burien Community Hub to Provide One-Stop Place for Community Engagement
Staff presented a proposal for a new digital platform called the “Burien Community Hub” to support community engagement, communications, and data transparency. It will offer a one-stop place for community to learn about current public engagement efforts, explore data, and find other relevant information to help them better understand government processes and the Burien community. It will be built using Esri’s ArcGIS Community Hub software. The first site launched on the Burien Community Hub is the Recovery Roadmap project. The City Council placed approval for the budget request on the consent agenda of the March 21, 2022 meeting.
Burien Employee Vaccine Mandate Updated to Address Booster Shots
The City Council amended the City’s employee vaccine mandate to change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to remove boosters. The amendment clarifies that booster shots are not required for City employment but are recommended, and not part of the definition for fully vaccinated.
Council Selection of 2022 Boards and Commissions Interview Candidates
The City Council approved a process for selecting community members to serve on advisory boards and commissions. The City Council will interview all applicants for all boards and commissions through special meetings in March, 2022.
Rose Clark, Tony Hayes, and Nancy Salguero McKay, selected as 2022 Citizens of the Year
The City Council named Rose Clark, Tony Hayes, and Nancy Salguero McKay as 2022 citizens of the year. McKay is the executive director of the Highline Heritage Museum. Rose Clark is a former Burien councilmember and mayor and has served as executive director of the Des Moines Memorial Drive Preservation Association and has been a long-term community activist on a number of issues. Tony Hayes is the owner of Classic Eats restaurant and was recognized for keeping his doors open and for giving back to the community throughout the pandemic.
The City Council also discussed ways to recognize City employees, with a special recognition for Adriene Buckley who has worked for the City for 28 years. Further discussion is scheduled for a future meeting.
City Council Planning Calendar and 2022 Council Work Plan
The City Council discussed their work plan for 2022, supporting a new tool for planning their topics for discussion.
Sound Cities Association Committee Appointments
Hugo Garcia was nominated to apply to the Sound Cities Association Equity and Inclusion Cabinet. Mayor Sofia Aragon was nominated as the Burien representative on the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee, with Councilmember Cydney Moore to serve as the alternate.