Police and Human Services, City Manager Search, Recycling Incentive Program, Comprehensive Plan Docket

The Burien City Council discussed the collaboration between police and human services, approved a request for proposals to seek out and hire the next city manager, approved a new recycling incentive program, adopted the 2022 Comprehensive Plan docket, and approved a reconstruction waiver for a single-family residence construction project.
Partnership between Burien Police Department and City Human Services Serves as Model of Public Safety Services
Burien Police Department Chief Ted Boe and City of Burien Human Services Manager Colleen Brandt-Schluter presented on how they have collaboratively built a public safety partnership in Burien that is both effective and efficient. They showcased that both police and human services are essential to building public safety in Burien.
This was the sixth of eight scheduled presentations on the topic of public safety.
Preparations for Coming Snow and Ice Underway
The city manager shared that City staff are planning for a snowstorm forecasted to arrive over the weekend. The City is partnering with Highline United Methodist Church to open an overnight extreme weather shelter and is planning to open the Burien Community Center as a daytime warming center.
Discussion on Stronger Tree Regulations to Continue in January
The City Council pulled from the consent agenda adoption of new tree regulations meant to strengthen protections of trees on private property. After discussing aspects of the proposed tree regulations, in particular the fine structure, they asked staff to bring back discussion of the regulations at a future business meeting business agenda. The City Council asked for more detail on the education campaign, how code enforcement will be handled, demographics of people impacted by the new law, and what considerations toward equity were taken into account.
City Council Approves Request for Proposals (RFP) to Hire a Search Firm to Identify and Hire New City Manager
The City Council approved a proposal to seek out and hire the next city manager. A consultant is scheduled to be selected by February 2022 with the goal of completing the search and selection process by May 2022. Brian J. Wilson, the City of Burien’s current city manager, announced his resignation in November. His last day will be January 15, 2022.
Recology King County Recycling Incentive Program Gets an Update
Recycling contamination is when non-recyclable materials end up in the recycling system, and it occurs when materials are sorted into the wrong waste bins, or when materials are not properly cleaned. Contamination can mean otherwise recyclable materials are sent to the landfill.
Recology King County provides waste management services for Burien residents and businesses. In 2019, they launched an incentive program that would reward customers with the least number of contaminants in their recycling bin. However, the program was stalled because of legal challenges brought against a similar program in Seattle and then followed the pandemic. City of Burien staff worked with Recology King County to amend Burien’s program to gear it more toward businesses and to broaden the incentives from just recycling to also include composting. The updated program also removes the need of Recology King County staff from needing to look inside waste bins.
The City Council approved of the program and authorized the city manager to sign a contract amendment with Recology King County.
Comprehensive Plan 2022 Docket Discussions Begin
The City Council placed on the January 10, 2022 consent agenda approval of the Comprehensive Plan 2022 Docket (Resolution No. 470). The Comprehensive Plan amendments include ongoing items addressed in each amendment cycle, previous items that were not completed in the 2021 amendment cycle, and new amendment items as directed by Planning Commission and City Council. The amendments cover a range of policies and activities including integrating elements of Vision 2050, developing goals and policies for the Ambaum corridor and Boulevard Park community plan, supporting potential annexation of North Highline and White Center subarea, developing goals and policies in support of Burien Climate Action Plan, and incorporating the Urban Center Streetscape Design Plan by reference. Ongoing work includes streamlining goals and policies that are no longer applicable, clarifying terminology, and ensuring compliance with State Environmental Policy Act processes.
No requests were received from the public for Comprehensive Plan amendments during the notice period from September 1 to November 1, 2021.
City Council Approves Lockart Residence Reconstruction Waiver
The City Council approved a resolution to approve an application from a resident to reconstruct a single-family residence following a total loss fire in 2019. The proposal included rebuilding the home using the existing non-conforming foundation and building an addition that will be non-conforming, triggering a Type 3 land use review process.