Food Trucks, Independent Investigation Team, State Legislative Session, Council Priorities

Council postponed the start of the food truck pilot program, heard a summary of the state legislative session, discussed the selection process for community members to serve on an Independent Investigation Team for police-involved shootings, and discussed 2021 priorities.

Council Delays Implementation of Food Truck Pilot Program
Council voted to postpone the effective date of the food truck pilot program in Burien until restaurants in Burien are allowed to operate at full occupancy.
2021 State Legislative Session Tackled Budget, Impacts of COVID-19, Police Reform, and Climate Change
The City of Burien’s state lobbyist, Lyset Cadena, gave a summary of the 2021 state legislative session as it was relevant to the City of Burien’s legislative priorities. The 105-day session tackled the 2021-23 operating and transportation budget, health and economic impacts of COVID-19, police reform, and climate change.

Community Member Selection Process for the Independent Investigation Team Opens Mid-May
Chief Boe discussed the process for selecting community members to serve on the Independent Investigation Team (IIT), a new oversight mechanism that is tasked with investigating the use of deadly force by a police officer when it results in death, substantial bodily harm, or great bodily harm.
Washington’s voter-approved Law Enforcement Training and Community Safety Act requires that an IIT consist of law enforcement investigators and at least two non-law enforcement community representatives.
The City of Burien will be opening up the application process in mid-May for Burien residents interested in serving as community representatives on the IIT.

Council Discusses 2021 Priorities
Council reviewed their planning calendar and prioritized items for staff to research and bring before Council for discussion. The following items were listed as high priorities for future discussion:
- Rent debt relief program within Burien (strengthening state initiatives)
- Tree regulations and related policies
- Developer feedback on the Affordable Housing Demonstration Program
- Burien Utility Tax Relief Program
- Public safety services
- Creating economic opportunity for youth in Burien
- Childcare needs in Burien
Council will discuss these priorities, as well as, results from the Council Priorities Survey conducted earlier this year during their next Council retreat on May 27, 2021.