Council heard briefings on COVID-19, Census 2020, and redevelopment opportunities in downtown Burien. They also voted to increase the city manager’s compensation, approved the Burien Urban Center Plan, discussed the Eagle Landing Park Storm Drainage Project, and more.
City of Burien Prepares for Effects of Novel Coronavirus
The city manager provided a briefing on COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) and the City of Burien’s efforts to respond to the situation.
Council heard an update on efforts to ensure a more complete count in the 2020 Census. They agreed to pass a resolution at the March 16, 2020 meeting in support of a complete count in the 2020 Census.
Redevelopment Opportunities in Downtown Burien
King County will be issuing a request for proposals to identify developers to build a transit-oriented development (TOD) for the property next to the Burien Transit Center. The site currently is currently used as a surface parking lot. The City of Burien will have the opportunity to provide input on the request for proposals before its release.
The City has also been approached by a commercial developer with an interest in purchasing for property redevelopment the municipal parking lot, City-owned land on SW 151st St and 6th Ave SW. City staff will bring forward more information to Council and the community for discussion at a future meeting.
City Manager Compensation Increased
Council voted to increase the total compensation of the City Manager to $200,500, making it more competitive with the compensation provided to city managers in neighboring cities. Total compensation includes salary and other benefits.
Eagle Landing Park Storm Drainage
The City has completed the design of the Eagle Landing Park Storm Drainage Improvements Project, which will construct a new stormwater pipe extending from the street at the park entrance, through the park, and connect to an existing stormwater pipe that outfalls at the beach. The City currently has an easement for the park's parking lot on the adjacent private property. The private property owner has asked the City to sign a separate easement for the construction and maintenance of the new stormwater pipe, which will be placed within the parking lot easement area. The pipe will be located at the same location as the existing ditch in the parking lot. Council will vote to approve the approve the easement on the March 16, 2020 consent agenda.
Burien Urban Center Plan Adopted
Council adopted the Burien Urban Center Plan, a subarea plan for the area encompassing downtown Burien. They also adopted amendments to the Burien Comprehensive Plan to make the policies consistent with the Urban Center Plan and modified the boundaries of the Burien Urban Center in the Burien Comprehensive Land Use Map.
The Urban Center Plan is a vision document that includes aspirational policies and strategies for the coming twenty years in Burien’s urban center. The future concept for Burien’s Urban Center provides guidance to inform how future growth should take place. The Urban Center Concept sets targets for 2,800 additional housing units and 3,600 additional jobs by 2035. The plan involved extensive community input and Council discussion.
Lease Extension for Public Works Maintenance Facility Approved
Council voted to approve a lease extension on Port of Seattle property for public works maintenance facility.
Public Works Maintenance Employees Receive Pay Increase
Council approved a pay increase for Public Works maintenance employees represented by Teamsters No. 763.
Fee Study Approved
Council approved hiring a consultant to conduct a comprehensive study of development fees assessed by the Community Development and Public Works departments and program and facility rental fees assessed by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services department.