Airport Committee, Planning Grant for Community Center, Council Meeting Guidelines, BEDP
Council held a study session to discuss the Business and Economic Development Partnership (BEDP) annual report and work plan, recommendations from the Burien Airport Committee, a State of Washington planning grant to fund community engagement for a new community center, new appointments to local government organizations, and council meeting guidelines. Study sessions allow for a more in-depth exploration of topics.
Council Adopts Burien Airport Committee Recommendations
The Burien Airport Committee, comprised of both councilmembers and community members to address issues related to Burien’s proximity to SeaTac Airport, presented three recommendations for Council to consider.
Council directed the City’s contract attorney to publish the recent 9th circuit decision on City of Burien v FAA. Publishing the decision gives it greater weight, makes it available across the country, and allows it to be used as precedent.
“We should take some pride in having some positive impact from our fight against the FAA,” said Councilmember Nancy Tosta, who also serves as the chair of the Burien Airport Committee.
Expressing concern over the recent case of a Delta Airlines flight dumping fuel over an elementary school in the town of Cudahy, California, Council directed staff to invite a Port Commissioner to brief them on SeaTac Airport’s policies and procedures for fuel dumping.
Councilmember Tosta was nominated as chair of the Burien Airport Committee to represent Burien in conversations with our federal legislators to talk about the Port of Seattle’s federal legislative priorities.
Request of a State Planning Grant to Fund Community Engagement
The Council directed the City Manager to work with our state lobbyist to request $150,000 from the State of Washington’s operating budget for a planning grant to conduct community engagement around Burien’s community center needs, addressing vital cultural and community services.
A planning grant will help fund the consulting services for community engagement and planning services for a new a community center.
Business and Economic Development Partnership Work Plan
Chris Craig, economic development manager, presented the BEDP’s annual report detailing their accomplishments from 2019. Highlights include:
- Provided recommendations to Council on an implementation plan for aesthetic improvements to 153rd Street to occur in 2020.
- Identified several industry sectors to focus targeted business attraction efforts in the coming year.
- Held business roundtable discussions to facilitate feedback on various Council priorities including compostable food serviceware products and revisions to the temporary sign code.
- Started a study and discussion of strategies for encouraging economic development in the Boulevard Park commercial core.
Council also reviewed the proposed 2020 work plan, which includes providing input on the following initiatives:
- Targeted business attraction strategies.
- Ambaum Corridor Visioning Project.
- Strategies for Boulevard Park business district support.
- Downtown dumpster lock program and mandatory garbage service.
- 1st Ave S light poles design.
- Business displacement mitigation strategies.
New Representatives Selected for Local and Governmental Organizations
Council selected who will represent Burien on local and governmental organizations.
New Council Meeting Guidelines Discussed
Council began a discussion of revisions to the Burien City Council Guidelines. They will discuss them again at the March 2, 2020 Council meeting. The guidelines guide process and procedure for councilmembers and public meetings and are updated when new councilmembers are elected. Key updates discussed:
- Adding a Native land acknowledgment to the City Council meeting agenda.
- Changing the proclamation process.
- Add flag policy to the proclamation process.
- Explore the process for requesting interpreters for public meetings.
- Public comment process and timing.
- Explore potential of a regularly scheduled, quarterly town hall meeting.
- Council committees.
- Council and Committee attendance policy.