July 4th Holiday, Town Square Fountain, Strategic Communications Plan, Staffing Changes, Mercado, Solid Waste Plan

Council discussed a Port of Seattle community fund, a strategic communications plan, the July 4th holiday, staffing changes, site options for a vendor market (“mercado”), investments into affordable housing, and more.
South King County Communities Fund by the Port of Seattle Commission
The Port of Seattle presented information about the South King County Communities Fund, a $750,000 fund in 2019 designated to provided airport communities resources and support. The Port Commission asked for input from Council on ways to engage Burien communities as well as priorities for funding.
Strategic Communications Plan
Council weighed in on the City’s first strategic communications plan. The plan described a comprehensive communications function for the City, while providing ideas for how to improve communications and community engagement.
Update on July 4th Holiday
Captain Jessica Sullivan gave Council a report on the most recent July 4th holiday. Police received 85 fireworks calls, issued 13 warnings and one citation. Only two fires during the holiday, both outside Burien city limits. Most of the calls on the holiday centered in areas close to neighboring jurisdictions where fireworks are legal. No injuries or damages were reported within city limits. However, a two-alarm fire attributed to fireworks in neighboring unincorporated King County resulted in a death.
Capt. Sullivan also presented ideas for ways to inform community of the stricter penalties and to encourage better compliance with the ban.
Mercado Vendors Request Location in Burien
Chris Craig, economic development manager, presented sites available in Burien for a group of vendors to form a “mercado” or vendor market in Burien or nearby area. The group was previously sited near Lakewood, Wash., but was displaced when the owner of the land decided to sell the property. It is challenging to find locations in Burien to accommodate 100 vendors or more for a mercado that would operate every weekend and year-round. Burien may have sites available that could accommodate a fewer number of vendors. Council directed the City Manager to continue to explore options and alternatives in Burien and in the King County area.
Teen Night in the Park
The Burien Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services department is hosting a series of new events this summer for teens. The new Teen Late Night in the Park events will feature sports, games, art, music, food, and more.
Department of Commerce Seeks Community Input on Sea-Tac Airport Impact Study
The Department of Commerce’s Sea-Tac Airport Impact Study project team is hosting an open house to gain public input on plans to study and inventory environmental, social, and economic impacts of the Sea-Tac Airport on the surrounding communities.
When: July 24, 2019, 6–8 p.m.
Where: Tyee High School, Cafeteria, 4424 S 188th St., SeaTac, WA 98188
Town Square Fountain Delayed Re-opening
Council heard an update on the repairs to Town Square Fountain. Earlier this summer, the City discovered substantial water damage in the control vault and electrical system in the Town Square Fountain. As repair work progresses, unforeseen issues have occurred.
At this time, the City cannot commit to an open date.
While the fountain undergoes repairs, the City will turn on sprinklers in a section of Lake Burien Memorial Park from 2–4 p.m., Mondays and Fridays when the temperature reaches above 75 degrees.
Public Records Officer Position Changed to Deputy City Clerk
Council approved the restructuring of the City Clerk’s office, changing the public records officer position to a deputy city clerk position.
Sales Tax Revenue and Affordable Housing Investments
HB 1406, a new state approved revenue sharing program for local governments, allows cities and counties to retain a portion of the sales tax for investment in affordable housing and, for smaller cities, a rental assistance program. The tax credit is in place for up to 20 years and the funding must be spent on projects that serve people whose income is at or below sixty percent of the area median income. The program does not increase sales tax for the consumer or reduce any existing tax revenue collected by cities. Cities have a choice of whether to participate and whether to adopt a qualifying tax to increase the portion they may retain.
The law goes into effect July 28, 2019. A resolution of intent must be passed no later than January 31, 2020. An ordinance would need to be adopted by July 27, 2020 to qualify for the credit.
Council will discuss at a future date whether to adopt a resolution of intent.
King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
In 1993 the City of Burien entered into an interlocal agreement with King County regarding the management of solid waste. The agreement was amended in 2013 to extend the agreement through 2040, and includes a provision to work collaboratively to maintain and periodically update the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The King County Council approved the latest update of the Comprehensive Plan (2019) on April 24, 2019. By agreement, the City has 120 days to act on the approved plan.
Council will decide on August 5, 2019 whether to approve the new plan.